Narendra Modi’s right-hand man, Amit Shah, is a key figure in Indian politics. Often dubbed as India’s “second most powerful man,” he has played a significant role in the rise of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) alongside Prime Minister Modi.
Amit Shah is known for his strategic prowess and organizational skills, which have contributed to numerous electoral victories for the BJP. While he may not have the same star power as Modi, Shah is respected for his behind-the-scenes work and political acumen.
Shah’s political journey began in Gujarat, where he quickly rose through the ranks of the BJP. His close association with Narendra Modi dates back to their days in the right-wing Hindu Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS). Together, they formed a formidable partnership, with Shah focusing on party organization while Modi took on a more public-facing role.
One of Shah’s notable achievements was orchestrating the BJP’s success in Uttar Pradesh during the 2014 general election, where the party won a historic number of seats. He continued to lead the party to victory in subsequent state and national elections, solidifying his reputation as a master strategist.
Born in Mansa, Gujarat, in 1964, Shah comes from a middle-class background. He joined the RSS in his youth and quickly became involved in politics. Despite facing challenges early in his career, including brief stints in jail and allegations of wrongdoing, Shah persevered and eventually emerged as a key figure in Indian politics.
Shah’s relationship with Modi has been central to his political ascent. The two share a strong bond and are often compared to the mythical brothers Ram and Lakshman. While Modi takes on the role of the public face of the BJP, Shah operates behind the scenes, building alliances and outmaneuvering opponents.
Throughout his career, Shah has remained focused on his goal of advancing the BJP’s agenda. He has been instrumental in implementing controversial policies, such as the scrapping of Kashmir’s special status and the introduction of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).
Despite facing criticism from opponents and human rights activists, Shah remains steadfast in his beliefs. He has been accused of using divisive language and promoting anti-Muslim sentiment, but his supporters argue that he is simply upholding the BJP’s core values.
Shah’s leadership style is characterized by a relentless focus on winning elections and expanding the BJP’s influence. He is known for his attention to detail and willingness to take calculated risks to achieve his goals.
As he continues to play a central role in Indian politics, speculation has arisen about Shah’s ambitions for the future. While he remains loyal to Modi, some believe that he could one day aspire to the highest office in the country.
For now, Shah remains focused on his role as a key strategist and organizer for the BJP. His influence extends far beyond his official title, and his political acumen continues to shape the direction of Indian politics.