Eleven fatalities and numerous individuals unaccounted for in two maritime disasters


German humanitarian organization RESQSHIP rescued 51 individuals from a sinking wooden boat near the island of Lampedusa on Monday, uncovering the tragic discovery of 10 bodies trapped in the vessel’s lower deck. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) reported a separate incident the same day, revealing over 60 people missing, with concerns raised for 26 children among them. These boats were carrying migrants who embarked from Libya and Turkey, according to UN agencies.

Survivors from the shipwreck near Lampedusa were transferred to the Italian coastguard and brought ashore on Monday morning, while RESQSHIP managed the solemn task of towing the deceased to the island. Originating from Libya, the boat carried migrants hailing from Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, as confirmed by a joint statement from UNHCR, IOM, and UNICEF.

In another heartbreaking incident, located approximately 125 miles off the southern Italian coast of Calabria, additional details emerged from the agencies involved. Regrettably, one of the 12 surviving individuals passed away shortly after disembarking, as reported by the Italian coastguard.

Shakilla Mohammadi of MSF shared poignant accounts from survivors, indicating that 66 individuals remain unaccounted for, including 26 children, some of whom were mere infants. “Entire families from Afghanistan are presumed dead,” Mohammadi lamented, recounting their harrowing journey that began in Turkey eight days earlier. They endured days of being waterlogged without life vests, with reports that certain vessels did not stop to render assistance.

The Mediterranean continues to be recognized as the deadliest migration route globally, with UN data revealing that more than 23,500 migrants have perished or gone missing in its waters since 2014.


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