Men from India traumatized by fighting in Ukraine for Russia


Indian Men Lured into Fighting in Ukraine War for Russia, Return Home Traumatized

Last October, David Moothappan saw a Facebook ad offering security guard jobs in Russia with a tempting monthly salary of 204,000 roubles. The 23-year-old fisherman from Kerala, India, found himself fighting on the warfront in Donetsk, Ukraine, weeks later.

“It’s all death and destruction there,” he says, describing the horrors he witnessed.

After enduring the ordeal, Moothappan, along with another man from Kerala, managed to return home last week. They are among several Indians who fell victim to agents promising jobs and ended up fighting for Russian forces in Ukraine.

Some have made it back, but others remain stranded in Russia. Most of them come from poor families and were enticed with job offers, sometimes as “helpers” in the Russian army. Sadly, at least two Indians have lost their lives in the war.

India’s foreign ministry is working to bring back its citizens who were tricked into fighting. The situation has raised serious concerns, prompting India’s foreign minister to address the issue.

Moothappan and his fellow compatriot are relieved to be back home, but the memories of the war continue to haunt them.

“There were body parts everywhere,” Moothappan recalls, describing the gruesome scenes he witnessed. He even suffered a broken leg during combat.

Prince Sebastian, another victim, shares a similar tale of deceit and trauma. He was deployed in the Ukrainian town of Lysychansk after being misled by a local agent.

After just three weeks of training, Sebastian found himself on the frontline, where he narrowly escaped death when a bullet grazed his ear. He spent the night bleeding in a trench before seeking medical help.

Sebastian and his friends were promised jobs in Russia with lucrative salaries, only to end up as pawns in a foreign war. They were deceived by agents who exploited their vulnerability.

Now back in India, both Moothappan and Sebastian are eager to move on with their lives. They hope to return to their old professions and rebuild what they lost during their harrowing ordeal.

Their stories serve as a cautionary reminder of the dangers of falling prey to false promises and exploitation.


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