Missouri prisoner’s last words before execution: “Very sorry”


A man named Brian Dorsey was put to death in Missouri for killing his cousin and her husband, then sexually assaulting her. He apologized to his family before his execution on Tuesday. Dorsey had been on death row for 18 years.

Dorsey, who was 52 years old, wrote a letter saying how sorry he was for what he did. He mentioned his deep guilt and shame, and said he never wanted to hurt anyone. He received a lethal injection at the state prison.

There were concerns about Dorsey’s health because he was obese, diabetic, and had used drugs with needles in the past. But the execution went smoothly, with Dorsey taking a few deep breaths before passing away.

Before his execution, Dorsey had a final meal that included cheeseburgers, chicken strips, French fries, and pizza. He had asked to borrow money from his cousin and her husband to pay off drug dealers, but when they refused, he killed them.

Dorsey shot the couple with a shotgun while they were sleeping, then assaulted his cousin. He also stole things from their home to pay off his debts.

The couple’s 4-year-old daughter was left orphaned by the murders. Dorsey surrendered to the police three days later. Despite his remorse and efforts to atone for his actions, his request for clemency was denied.

Dorsey’s case has sparked debate about the death penalty and whether it truly serves justice. Some believe it does, while others argue that it’s a harsh punishment that doesn’t always fit the crime.


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