President Joseph Boakai outlines his vision for Liberia’s transformation and progress, aiming to address the nation’s challenges head-on.


He ascended to power by vowing to eradicate corruption, but President Joseph Boakai faces demands from citizens eager for job opportunities instead.

“Many individuals enter government with the misconception that it’s a platform for personal enrichment,” reflects Liberia’s President Joseph Boakai.

He’s been discerning in selecting his team, blaming corruption for the nation’s crises and striving to bring about transformative change since his victory over President George Weah.

Born into humble beginnings, the 79-year-old, who doesn’t come from a political lineage, shares, “I never truly experienced childhood. My aspiration was simply to lead an ordinary life.”

As one of five sons of a disadvantaged, impoverished mother and an absentee father, he toiled as a school janitor and rubber tapper, instilling in him the resilience necessary for a political career.

Now, nearing his 80s, President Boakai acknowledges his role in addressing systemic issues and bequeathing a well-governed Liberia to the next generation.

“I’m here to steer the nation towards its rightful place, then it’s their turn to carry the torch,” he emphasizes.

On his progress thus far, author and activist Robtel Neajai Pailey notes that President Boakai declared his assets upon assuming office and compelled his appointees to do the same. He’s also initiated audits of the presidential office and reinforced integrity institutions.

Yet, challenges persist. Liberians, disillusioned by past administrations, have voiced frustration over mismanagement and corruption while grappling with rising living costs.

President Boakai faces scrutiny too. Allegations of favoritism towards individuals from his native Lofa County have surfaced, although his administration maintains appointments are merit-based.

President Boakai’s vision extends to leveraging Liberia’s agricultural potential and addressing its dilapidated road infrastructure. He envisions a future where Liberia not only achieves self-sufficiency but also becomes a net exporter of food.

His resolve to enhance road accessibility within the initial 100 days underscores his commitment to tangible progress.

In essence, President Boakai’s leadership endeavors to navigate Liberia towards a brighter future, propelled by integrity and inclusive growth.


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