The Gcaba family refutes any accusations of involvement in AKA’s murder.


The influential Gcaba family of South Africa has strongly denied any involvement of one of its members in the murder of renowned rapper AKA, also known as Kiernan Forbes.

Tragically, AKA and his close friend Tibz Motsoane were fatally shot outside a restaurant in Durban in February of the previous year.

Recent developments in the trial of AKA’s suspected killers brought forward allegations against Sydney Mfundo Gcaba, a member of the Gcaba family. Prosecutors presented a statement to the court suggesting that one of Mr. Gcaba’s companies transferred a significant sum of money to the bank account of Mziwethemba Harvey Gwabeni, one of the suspects on trial for the rapper’s murder.

The timing of the payment, occurring just a day after AKA’s tragic demise, fueled suspicions that Mr. Gcaba might have been involved in orchestrating the murder.

However, the Gcaba family swiftly issued a statement refuting these claims. They clarified that the financial transaction in question was part of ongoing business dealings between Mr. Gcaba and Mr. Gwabeni, spanning a significant period and not specific to the tragic event.

The family expressed their concern over authorities’ failure to seek Mr. Gcaba’s side of the story, emphasizing his readiness to cooperate and clear his name of any wrongdoing.

In light of these developments, the ongoing trial and investigation continue to capture public attention and scrutiny.


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