Pakistan: Lightning and unusually heavy rain kill dozens


In Pakistan, heavy rains have caused widespread devastation in the southwest, leading to the deaths of at least 39 people. Many of the victims were farmers who were struck by lightning while working in their fields.

Images online show large areas of farmland submerged under water. The heavy rains have also caused flash floods, disrupting power and transportation.

This isn’t the first time Pakistan has faced such extreme weather. In 2022, the country experienced devastating floods that killed over 1,700 people and left millions homeless. Some of the same areas affected by those floods are now facing the brunt of the recent storms.

The situation is particularly dire in Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province, where 21 people have died due to lightning strikes. In Balochistan province, a state of emergency has been declared after eight people were killed. Schools in Balochistan have been closed due to the floods.

In Pasni, a coastal town in Balochistan, floodwaters have inundated residential and commercial areas, turning the town into a large lake.

Similar flooding has been reported in neighboring Afghanistan, where at least 33 people have died and hundreds of homes have been damaged or destroyed.

Scientists believe that climate change, specifically global warming, is contributing to the increase in extreme weather events like these floods. Pakistan is considered one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, according to the UN’s Global Climate Risk Index.


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