Oldest Lighthouse Found Under Ocean


The lighthouse of Alexandria, also known as the Pharos of Alexandria, has long been a symbol of ancient engineering marvels and maritime navigation. Built in the 3rd century BCE on the island of Pharos in Alexandria, Egypt, it stood as one of the tallest structures of the ancient world, guiding sailors safely to the city’s bustling port. However, for centuries, the fate of this iconic lighthouse remained shrouded in mystery, lost to the depths of time and the ocean. Until now. Recent discoveries have unveiled surprising revelations about the fate of the lighthouse, offering a fascinating glimpse into ancient history and maritime heritage.

The lighthouse of Alexandria was commissioned by Ptolemy II Philadelphia, the ruler of Egypt, and constructed by the Greek architect Sostratus of Cnidus. Standing over 100 meters tall, it was adorned with a large burning torch at its summit, providing a guiding light visible for miles to sailors navigating the treacherous waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The lighthouse not only served as a navigational aid but also as a symbol of the wealth and grandeur of Alexandria, one of the greatest cities of the ancient world.

Despite its historical significance, the lighthouse of Alexandria gradually fell into disrepair over the centuries. Historical accounts suggest that it was severely damaged by earthquakes in the 14th century CE, eventually leading to its collapse. For centuries, scholars and historians speculated about the exact location and fate of the lighthouse, with many believing that its remains lay submerged beneath the waters of the Mediterranean.

In recent years, advancements in underwater archaeology and exploration technology have enabled researchers to uncover remarkable discoveries beneath the ocean’s surface. In 1994, a team of marine archaeologists led by Dr. Jean-Yves Empereur made a groundbreaking discovery off the coast of Alexandria. Using sophisticated sonar imaging and underwater excavation techniques, they identified a large structure lying on the seabed, resembling the foundations of a monumental tower. Further investigation confirmed that this submerged structure was indeed the remains of the legendary lighthouse of Alexandria.

The discovery of the submerged lighthouse of Alexandria represents a significant milestone in the field of maritime archaeology and ancient history. It provides tangible evidence of the existence and location of one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, resolving centuries of speculation and uncertainty. Moreover, it offers valuable insights into ancient engineering techniques, construction methods, and the maritime heritage of Alexandria.

Since its discovery, efforts have been underway to document, study, and preserve the remains of the lighthouse of Alexandria. Archaeologists have conducted underwater surveys and excavations to map the site and recover artifacts associated with the structure. Additionally, plans are being made to establish underwater archaeological parks to protect and showcase these remarkable underwater heritage sites for future generations.

The lighthouse of Alexandria continues to captivate the imagination of historians, archaeologists, and enthusiasts alike. Its enduring legacy serves as a testament to human ingenuity, innovation, and the quest for knowledge throughout history. Furthermore, the discovery of the submerged lighthouse underscores the importance of maritime heritage preservation and the exploration of our shared cultural past.

The discovery of the oldest lighthouse under the ocean, the legendary Pharos of Alexandria, represents a remarkable achievement in the field of archaeology and historical research. This monumental structure, once lost to the annals of history, has been brought back to light, offering valuable insights into ancient civilizations and maritime navigation. As efforts continue to study and preserve this underwater treasure, the legacy of the lighthouse of Alexandria will endure as a symbol of human achievement and the enduring quest to unravel the mysteries of the past.


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