US migrant crisis shifts from Texas to California border


In a tent by the US-Mexico border, Adriana Jasso and volunteers offer food and supplies to migrants from Ecuador, Colombia, China, and Rwanda. San Ysidro, just south of San Diego, is now a busy crossing point, with more people arriving than ever before.

The surge in illegal border crossings has become a big issue in the US, especially with the presidential election coming up. While Texas used to see most of the crossings, places like Arizona and California are now seeing more.

Texas has tightened security, leading to fewer crossings there. In San Ysidro, the number of people arriving has overwhelmed resources. Up to 1,000 people a day are being released at city train and bus stops.

At the border, migrants are processed and allowed to apply for asylum. Most are heading to towns and cities across the US where they have family or friends.

The increase in migrants across the country has caused problems. A Wall Street Journal poll found that immigration was a top concern for voters in seven battleground states. Even in California, many voters feel the borders are not secure.

Former President Trump blames President Biden for the border issues. During his time in office, Trump built barriers along the border to stop migrants from entering illegally.

Nora Vargas, from San Diego County, says that around 80,000 migrants have arrived since a pandemic-era policy was lifted. The county set up transitional centers to help migrants, but funding ran out, and the centers had to close.

Now, Border Patrol agents drop off hundreds of people a day at bus and train stations in San Diego. Many are exhausted and relieved to be on US soil.

Non-profits help migrants get to their final destinations. But some officials worry that not everyone is properly vetted before being allowed in. They say the government needs to do more to secure the border and handle immigration properly.


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