An ancient activity that could help ease anxiety


As I stroll through a serene park near my home in Brighton & Hove, England, I stumble upon a hidden gem: a labyrinth. Created by artist Chris Drury, this labyrinth, inspired by a giant fingerprint, weaves its way through the grass with stones marking the path. Intrigued, I embark on the winding journey to its center, leaving behind the hustle and bustle of joggers and dog walkers.

Labyrinths, I soon discover, have a long history of soothing the mind and body. Unlike mazes, which confuse and frustrate with dead ends, labyrinths offer a clear path to the center, making them perfect for quiet reflection and relaxation.

Reviving an ancient tradition, people around the world now seek out labyrinths for their calming benefits. From medieval cathedrals to modern parks, these intricate designs provide a sanctuary from the chaos of daily life.

One such sanctuary is the Kerdroya labyrinth in Cornwall, England. Built using ancient dry stone walling techniques, this impressive labyrinth sits amidst the stunning landscape of Bodmin Moor. Its construction not only preserves a centuries-old craft but also offers visitors a chance to connect with nature and history.

As I explore the labyrinth’s twists and turns, I’m reminded of the timeless beauty of these ancient designs. And even in the heart of a bustling city like London, finger labyrinths on the tube network provide moments of peace and reflection for commuters on their daily journey.

In a world filled with noise and distractions, labyrinths offer a welcome escape—a chance to quiet the mind, find balance, and reconnect with the world around us.


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