The trial concerning Hunter Biden’s gun charges reveals additional evidence of addiction, highlighted by testimony from Beau’s widow.


The fourth day of Hunter Biden’s federal gun trial wrapped up, with proceedings ending around 4:45 p.m. ET. Hunter left the courthouse shortly after at 4:53 p.m. ET.

The prosecution called several witnesses, including Hallie Biden, Hunter’s ex and Beau Biden’s widow. Hallie detailed a June 2018 encounter in Los Angeles where she used crack cocaine, provided by Hunter. She continued using drugs until August 2018, when she sought treatment.

She testified about their relationship, dating from late 2015 to 2016, during which she witnessed Hunter’s drug use. Hallie recalled Hunter visiting her in October 2018, appearing exhausted and possibly under the influence. She later inspected his car, finding remnants of crack, cocaine, and the gun.

Prosecutors presented the gun in question, asking Hallie to identify it. Other witnesses included Delaware State Police Senior Cpl. Joshua Marley, who responded to the incident at Janssen’s Market, and retired Lt. Millard Greer, who detailed how the gun was discovered. Edward Thomas Banner, who recovered the gun from a dumpster, also testified.


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