Trump’s potential VP candidate shows prowess in securing backing from billionaire GOP donors.


Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, a key ally and potential running mate for former President Trump, is actively advocating for Trump’s candidacy. Despite an unsuccessful bid for the 2024 nomination, Scott remains highly regarded within the GOP and is hosting a one-day summit aimed at rallying support from influential figures and mega-donors who have not yet committed to Trump’s presidential campaign.

The summit, organized by Great Opportunity Policy, a non-profit aligned with Scott’s political and policy objectives, also serves as a fundraiser for Trump. Scott’s involvement underscores his strategic role in bolstering Trump’s campaign efforts, particularly as Trump approaches the final stages of selecting a running mate.

Earlier this year, Scott played a pivotal role in organizing a major fundraiser for Trump ahead of the South Carolina primary. He also participated in a high-profile fundraiser in New York City last month, highlighting his commitment to advancing Trump’s presidential ambitions.

In addition to fundraising, Scott launched a $14 million initiative aimed at mobilizing Black and other non-White working-class voters to support Trump. He believes these voters could significantly influence the outcome of the upcoming elections in November.

At the summit, Scott is poised to make a compelling case for Trump’s candidacy to prominent donors and billionaires, including Ken Griffin, founder of Citadel hedge fund, and Bill Ackman, hedge fund executive at Pershing Square Capital. Both Griffin and Ackman have been influential donors in previous Republican primaries, supporting various candidates including Trump’s rivals.

When asked about his message to donors still undecided about supporting Trump, Scott emphasized the importance of Trump’s leadership for the United States and its economy. He stressed that a robust economy under Trump’s administration would pave the way for national prosperity and opportunity.

Scott’s influence within the GOP donor community stems from his successful fundraising efforts during his re-election campaign in 2022. His strong ties with top Republican figures and donors have positioned him as a significant player in shaping the party’s strategy and electoral prospects.

Despite his initial bid for the GOP nomination in 2024, Scott withdrew from the race late last year and endorsed Trump in January. Since then, he has emerged as a prominent surrogate for Trump, actively promoting his policies and candidacy across the country.

As a Black evangelical, Scott’s potential role as Trump’s running mate could potentially sway minority voters away from President Biden, according to political analysts. His campaign efforts and advocacy for Trump have garnered praise from the former president, underscoring Scott’s growing influence and impact within the Republican Party.

Tim Scott’s leadership and advocacy for Trump highlight his pivotal role in the upcoming presidential election. His ability to mobilize support from influential donors and effectively communicate Trump’s vision for America’s future solidify his position as a key figure in Trump’s campaign strategy.


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