Abortion could dominate the 2024 election in Florida. Will that help Democrats flip the state?


Florida has long been a battleground state in presidential elections, with close races often determining the outcome. Recently, it seemed to be leaning more towards the Republican side, especially with Governor Ron DeSantis winning reelection by a big margin.

But now, Democrats in the state are hoping to change that with a focus on abortion access. This issue will be on the ballot in November alongside the presidential election. Democrats believe they can win over key voter groups like seniors, Hispanics, and Black voters by championing abortion rights.

The state’s political landscape has shifted, with more Republicans registered to vote than Democrats. However, there are still millions of voters who are not affiliated with either major party.

While Republicans argue that abortion isn’t enough to sway voters, Democrats believe it energizes their base. They point to recent local elections as evidence that Florida is still competitive.

Governor DeSantis’ popularity and the GOP’s gains in recent years make it tough for Democrats. However, some analysts say that with abortion on the ballot, the presidential election could be closer than expected.

Overall, Florida remains a battleground, and both parties are gearing up for a tough fight in the upcoming election.


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