Colombia’s Segunda Marquetalia Armed Group is set to start peace negotiations this month.


Colombia’s government and the Segunda Marquetalia armed group have announced plans to initiate peace talks on June 24 in Caracas, Venezuela, according to a joint document released on Wednesday. The Segunda Marquetalia faction is a dissident group that emerged from the demobilized Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Despite the FARC’s initial agreement to a peace deal in 2016, the Segunda Marquetalia returned to arms in 2019, citing unmet promises.

This development comes amid efforts by leftist President Gustavo Petro to end Colombia’s six-decade-long armed conflict through peace negotiations with various armed groups. The upcoming peace talks mark a significant step forward in this endeavor.

The negotiations, set to commence between June 25 and 29, will focus on defining specific topics and negotiation protocols. The document, signed by representatives from both sides, outlines key areas of discussion, including conflict de-escalation, addressing the needs of conflict victims, and mechanisms for implementing any agreements reached.

One prominent signatory to the peace talks is Ivan Marquez, a former high-ranking leader of the FARC who played a pivotal role in establishing the Segunda Marquetalia. Despite earlier reports of his death in Venezuela last year, subsequent confirmation from the Colombian government verified the authenticity of a recent video featuring Marquez. His involvement underscores the significance of the peace talks and the potential for reconciliation between the government and dissident factions.

The Segunda Marquetalia, estimated to have around 1,751 members, including 1,162 combatants, poses a complex challenge to Colombia’s security landscape. Addressing the grievances and aspirations of these armed groups through peaceful means is crucial for achieving lasting stability and security in the region.

The decision to hold the peace talks in Caracas, Venezuela, adds another layer of complexity to the negotiation process. Venezuela’s role as a host for the discussions brings geopolitical considerations into play, as the country navigates its own political and economic challenges.

International observers will closely monitor the progress of the peace talks, recognizing the potential implications for Colombia’s future trajectory. Achieving a sustainable peace agreement with the Segunda Marquetalia could pave the way for broader reconciliation efforts and contribute to a more stable and prosperous future for Colombia and the wider region.

However, challenges and obstacles are expected to arise during the negotiation process. Addressing deep-seated grievances, ensuring the inclusivity of all stakeholders, and navigating complex political dynamics will require sustained commitment and diplomatic skill from both sides.

As Colombia embarks on this critical journey towards peace, the outcomes of the upcoming peace talks with the Segunda Marquetalia will shape the country’s trajectory for years to come. The international community stands ready to support Colombia in its pursuit of a peaceful and prosperous future for all its citizens.


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