Dispute Emerges Over $770k House Constructed on Incorrect Property in Hawaii


An Ohio homeowner found herself in a baffling situation when a $770,000 home was mistakenly built on her property, leading to a legal battle with the real estate developer. Annaleine “Anne” Reynolds expressed her frustration over the ordeal, as the vacant home became overrun by squatters.

The unexpected saga unfolded in Hawaii’s fastest-growing development zone, where Reynolds bought a one-acre plot in Puna’s Hawaiian Paradise Park in 2018 for just $35,000 at a county tax auction. She had envisioned using the land for her meditative healing women’s retreats, drawn to its ideal location and spiritual significance.

However, Reynolds discovered the shocking truth in June last year when a real estate broker informed her that a home had been built on her property without her knowledge and sold for $770,000. The construction was carried out by developer Keaau Development Partnership, LLC, who allegedly failed to hire surveyors to properly identify the land.

The situation escalated further when Reynolds was hit with a lawsuit by the developer, accusing her of unjust enrichment if the property remained in her possession. Despite attempts by the developer to sell her the home or exchange it for an adjacent lot, Reynolds insisted on having her property restored to its original state.

Meanwhile, the vacant home became a haven for squatters, leading to further distress for Reynolds. She described finding the property littered with feces during a visit in February, adding to the emotional and financial toll of the situation.

Reynolds hopes for a resolution in which she is compensated appropriately and can proceed with her plans for her Hawaii property. However, legal proceedings continue, with Reynolds maintaining her stance against what she perceives as an unjust situation.


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