Far-right party aide held in China spy probe


A man who worked for a far-right politician in Germany has been arrested on suspicion of spying for China. His name is Jian G, and he’s accused of passing information about the European Parliament to Chinese intelligence. He’s also suspected of spying on Chinese opposition figures in Germany.

Jian G was working as an assistant to Maximilian Krah, a politician from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Krah said he found out about Jian G’s arrest from the news and that if the allegations are true, Jian G will be fired immediately.

The AfD party said they’re concerned about the reports and are waiting for more information from the public prosecutor.

German officials called the allegations very serious and said there would be consequences if they’re proven true. China’s foreign ministry denied the allegations and accused Germany of trying to smear China’s reputation.

Jian G is set to appear before a judge, and prosecutors have not confirmed whether Krah is the MEP Jian G worked for. The arrest comes after another case where people were arrested for allegedly spying for China to obtain military technology information in Germany.


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