Four US states hit by 911 call outages


On Wednesday night, people in four US states couldn’t call 911 due to system problems. The affected states were Nevada, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Texas.

Services have mostly been fixed now, but it was a scary situation. The emergency call lines were down, which meant people couldn’t get help quickly when they needed it.

The authorities are still trying to figure out what caused the problem. They suspect it might have something to do with the move to digital systems for emergency calls, which can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

In Las Vegas, Nevada, the issues lasted for a few hours before they were fixed around 10:00 PM local time. Police there could still see calls from mobile phones, so they could call back people in emergencies. But they asked people not to test the system by calling unnecessarily.

In South Dakota, the Rapid City Police Department got flooded with calls from people checking if the line was working. They said the problem was all over the state but that people could still send text messages for emergencies.

In Nebraska, police departments used Facebook to share other numbers people could call for help. But soon after, they said their normal lines were working again.

In Del Rio, Texas, there was an issue with one cellphone provider, but it didn’t affect the emergency call system itself.

Government officials haven’t said much about the incident yet. They’ve mentioned before that moving to digital systems for emergency calls has its benefits but also brings new risks, like cyber-attacks. In 2017, a cyber-attack knocked out 911 centers in many states.

Sure, here’s the continuation:

These recent issues show how important it is to have a reliable emergency call system. While the move to digital systems has made some things easier, it also means there’s a risk of cyber-attacks that can disrupt the service.

In 2017, a similar attack affected 911 centers in many states. It’s a reminder that we need to be prepared for these kinds of situations and have backup plans in place.

The authorities are working to fix the problems and ensure that the emergency call system is reliable. It’s essential for everyone’s safety to have a system that works when we need it most.


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