Google to delete billions of ‘incognito’ data records


Learn about the landmark privacy lawsuit settlement involving Google, which requires sweeping changes to address concerns over data collection during private browsing sessions. Discover the key details and implications of the settlement below.

Explore the origins of the lawsuit filed against Google, alleging illegal invasion of user privacy through pervasive tracking, even in “private” browsing modes like Chrome’s Incognito. Delve into the accusations and the sought-after damages for violations of federal wiretapping and California privacy laws.

Uncover Google’s stance throughout the legal battle, as the tech giant refuted claims of associating data with individual users in Incognito mode. Gain insights into the company’s response to the lawsuit and its assertions regarding the merit of the allegations.

Discover the notable changes implemented as a result of the lawsuit settlement, including updates to Chrome’s disclosures about private browsing and the deletion of billions of data records reflecting users’ private browsing activities. Learn how Google will now block third-party tracking cookies by default in Incognito mode.

Stay informed about the latest developments in the lawsuit settlement, with insights into the terms revealed in court filings and the absence of direct payouts to affected users. Get ready for the upcoming hearing before Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers and the potential implications for Google’s privacy practices.

Understand the significance of Google’s commitment to blocking third-party tracking cookies by default in Incognito mode for the next five years. Learn about the broader context of phasing out third-party cookies and Google’s efforts to address privacy concerns in online advertising.

Stay informed about the evolving landscape of online privacy and the measures taken by tech companies like Google to address concerns raised by users. As the privacy lawsuit settlement unfolds, users can expect changes to Incognito mode and tighter restrictions on data collection practices.


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