How to Tell if a Fruit is Unripe: Easy Tips

how do you know a fruit in undeeipe

Choosing fresh fruit can be tricky. So, how do you know a fruit is unripe? Here are some simple tips to help.

  1. Color: Bright or pale hues usually mean unripe fruit. For example, green bananas indicate they’re not ready.
  2. Texture: Feel the skin. Hard fruit like peaches or avocados often means it’s not ripe yet.
  3. Aroma: Ripe fruit often has a sweet, fragrant smell. If there’s no scent, it may still need time.


  1. Can you ripen fruit at home? Yes! Place it in a paper bag with a banana for quicker ripening.
  2. What’s the best way to store fruit? Store different fruits separately and at their ideal temperatures.


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