Israeli military operations target Gaza’s largest hospital, Al-Shifa, once again


Israeli forces recently conducted another military operation at Gaza’s largest hospital, Al-Shifa, drawing attention once again to the sprawling medical facility in the northern part of the enclave.

This operation, now in its 11th day, marks the second such incident at the hospital. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) first raided Al-Shifa in November, causing significant damage to the main building and disrupting its function.

Despite the IDF’s earlier claim in January of dismantling Hamas’ command structure in northern Gaza, they returned to Al-Shifa in March, citing “precise operational activities against terrorists” located there.

While the IDF stated that civilians, patients, and medical teams were evacuated during the operation, reports from Palestinians inside and around Al-Shifa indicate civilian casualties, arrests, and significant destruction within the complex.

The IDF reported engaging in heavy fighting around the hospital, but United Nations officials emphasized that hospitals should not be targets of conflict.

The decision to raid Al-Shifa again has sparked controversy, with Palestinian authorities accusing Israel of disregarding the safety of patients and medical staff. There are also allegations of civilian casualties and arrests, as well as reports of large-scale destruction at the hospital.

The situation remains tense, with conflicting narratives from Israeli authorities and Palestinian sources regarding the nature and impact of the military operation at Al-Shifa hospital.


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