Judge set to hear motion to dismiss rapper Travis Scott from lawsuit over deadly Astroworld concert


A judge in Texas is getting ready to listen to arguments on Monday about rap star Travis Scott’s request to be let go from a lawsuit connected to the tragic 2021 Astroworld festival in Houston.

During the concert, which Travis Scott headlined, 10 people lost their lives due to a huge crowd surge. Authorities and festival organizers were trying to control the situation and stop the show.

Recently, the judge dismissed lawsuits against hip-hop artist Drake and several others involved in the event.

Travis Scott’s lawyers argue that he was just a performer at the festival and wasn’t responsible for security or managing the crowd. They say performers like him aren’t expected to keep the audience safe.

According to the motion filed by Scott’s lawyers, he followed instructions and ended the show after Drake’s performance, playing one last song to prevent any chaos in the crowd.

After a police investigation, no charges were brought against Travis Scott. A grand jury also decided not to charge him or five others involved in the concert with any crimes.

The families of the 10 people who died and many who were injured have filed lawsuits. Some of these cases have been settled, but the first trial is set to begin on May 6.

This tragic event has left many families grieving, and the legal process is working to find justice and accountability.


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