Legendary rugby league star Wally Lewis appeals for concussion and CTE awareness support


Wally Lewis, a famous rugby player from Australia, recently spoke out about his struggles with a brain condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). He shared his story during a speech at the National Press Club, where he urged the government to provide funding for support services and education about CTE.

Lewis, who was known as “The King” during his rugby career in the 1980s, explained that CTE is linked to repeated head injuries, like concussions, that he experienced while playing. Despite his successful career, Lewis now lives with fear and anxiety about his memory loss and uncertain future.

Although he achieved many milestones in rugby, Lewis’s memories of his career are blurry due to his condition. He emphasized the importance of raising awareness about concussion and implementing prevention programs, especially for young players.

Awareness of CTE has grown in recent years, thanks to lawsuits filed by players in contact sports like football and rugby. CTE can only be diagnosed after death and is associated with symptoms like mood swings, depression, and memory problems.

Lewis vowed to use his influence and platform to advocate for change and protect future generations of Australians from CTE. He called for action to prevent head injuries in sports and ensure better support for those affected by the condition.


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