NATO’s leader insists that China must bear responsibility for supporting Putin’s military actions.


NATO’s Secretary-General emphasized to the BBC the imperative for China to face repercussions for its role in bolstering Russia’s actions in Ukraine if it persists in its current stance. Jens Stoltenberg criticized Beijing for attempting to navigate dual roles: backing Russia’s military endeavors while also maintaining relationships with European allies, a strategy he asserted is unsustainable in the long term.

During an interview with BBC News in Washington, Mr. Stoltenberg addressed a range of topics, including nuclear weapons and defense expenditure. His remarks coincided with Russia’s unabated aggression against Ukraine, which showed no signs of relenting even after a recent peace summit in Switzerland. While dozens of nations pledged support for Kyiv at the summit, Russia dismissed the efforts as futile, insisting on terms that essentially equate to Ukrainian surrender.

Asked about NATO’s response to China’s support for Russia, Mr. Stoltenberg acknowledged ongoing deliberations regarding potential sanctions. He highlighted China’s significant role in supplying crucial technologies like micro-electronics, essential for Russia’s missile and weapon systems used in the conflict with Ukraine. The Secretary-General emphasized that if China persists in its current behavior, there should be considerations for imposing economic costs as a deterrent.

Already, Beijing faces some sanctions for its support of Russia. Recently, the United States announced restrictions targeting approximately 20 firms based in China and Hong Kong. China has defended its economic engagements with Moscow, asserting that it adheres to domestic and international laws in its handling of dual-use items and refrains from selling lethal arms.

The international community continues to monitor China’s involvement closely amidst escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine. Mr. Stoltenberg’s comments underscore NATO’s growing concern over Beijing’s strategic alignment with Moscow, particularly in the context of ongoing military operations and diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict peacefully.


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