New Jersey man with epilepsy uses hand painted.


Kyle Adamkiewicz, a 33-year-old resident of New Jersey, has found a unique way to raise awareness about epilepsy—through hand-painted seashells placed along the shores of the state’s beaches. Diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 6, Adamkiewicz has combined his passion for art with a mission to spotlight his seizure disorder, garnering attention and support globally.

Since October 2022, Adamkiewicz has been collecting seashells from New Jersey’s coastline, meticulously painting and decorating them with heartfelt messages. Each shell serves as a canvas advocating for epilepsy awareness and the search for a cure. His initiative has resonated widely, with people discovering his shells not only along local boardwalks but also in various international locations.

“It started with just painting a few shells, and I figured no one would find them,” Adamkiewicz shared in an interview with Fox News Digital. “And then I saw people posting them online, writing so many positive comments about finding a cure for epilepsy. That motivated me to keep making more and more.”

Adamkiewicz, who does not drive, relies on the support of his parents, Chuck and Laurie Adamkiewicz, to transport him and his shells to different locations for placement. The family’s commitment to the cause is evident, with Laurie noting, “We have shells with us in the car all the time, and he places them in different locations, different towns.”

The project has grown substantially, with Adamkiewicz estimating that he has painted over 1,100 shells to date. Each shell not only features unique designs but also includes Adamkiewicz’s initials, the year of decoration, and a QR code. When scanned, the QR code directs users to a website linking to Adamkiewicz’s social media accounts and a GoFundMe page aimed at raising funds for seizure alert dogs.

Beyond spreading awareness, Adamkiewicz’s shells serve as educational tools. “Most people don’t really know how to handle someone if they’re having a seizure,” he explained. “They just turn their back and walk the opposite way.” Through the Epilepsy Foundation website linked via QR code, people can learn how to respond effectively to seizures, contributing to greater public understanding and support for those living with epilepsy.

The impact of Adamkiewicz’s initiative extends far beyond the Jersey Shore. His shells have been found and scanned in locations spanning Mexico City, Greece, Italy, Panama, Canada, Nova Scotia, France, South Korea, and Germany, underscoring the global reach of his advocacy efforts.

One out of 26 people in the world have epilepsy, but it’s basically a hidden disease, Adamkiewicz emphasized. His family proudly displays a world map adorned with pushpins marking where his shells have been discovered, a visual testament to the project’s international footprint and impact.

In addition to his personal contributions, Adamkiewicz has collaborated with hospitals to involve children with epilepsy in his project, providing them with shells to decorate. This collaboration not only empowers young patients but also fosters community engagement and solidarity in the fight against epilepsy.

Adamkiewicz’s dedication to raising awareness has garnered widespread recognition and support, turning his artistic endeavor into a powerful advocacy platform. His initiative not only educates the public about epilepsy but also inspires others to join the cause, fostering a global network of support and solidarity.

As Adamkiewicz continues to expand his project, he remains committed to making a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals with epilepsy and their families. Through creativity, compassion, and community engagement, he continues to paint a path toward greater awareness and understanding of epilepsy, one seashell at a time.


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