Obama State Department blocked FBI from arresting Iran nuclear program supporters in US, emails show.


Monta played a pivotal role in a DOJ case allowing biological males access to women’s bathrooms in 2015 and joined the challenge against Texas’ voter ID law around the same time.

AFL’s FOIA request emphasizes the importance of uncovering whether such viewpoints persist within the Department of Justice, especially given their potential impact on public confidence ahead of a presidential election.

They stressed the significance of government impartiality and avoiding the abuse of power to target political adversaries.

A spokesperson for the OIG assured that they uphold employees’ and citizens’ constitutional rights, maintaining objectivity in their fact-based work, exemplified by reports on FISA abuses and Operation Fast and Furious.

In 2019, the OIG’s report on FISA abuses detailed their investigative process, including providing drafts for factual accuracy reviews and offering individuals mentioned in the report opportunities to review and comment on relevant sections.

The Civil Service Reform Act mandates non-discrimination based on political affiliations within the OIG.


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