Oprah Winfrey finds ‘hope’ in weight-loss drugs following years of public scrutiny


Oprah Winfrey, known for her resilience in the face of public scrutiny over her weight, declares excitement over the effectiveness of weight-loss medication.

In her recent television special, “An Oprah Special: Shame, Blame, and the Weight Loss Revolution,” the media mogul candidly discusses her lifelong struggle with weight fluctuations and the hope she finds in weight-loss drugs, though she refrains from naming specific brands like Ozempic.

Opening up about enduring ridicule throughout her career, Winfrey recalls hurtful headlines and personal struggles, including extreme dieting that ultimately led to weight regain.

Emphasizing that obesity is a medical condition, not a character flaw, Winfrey champions the role of weight-loss medications in providing hope and reducing self-blame.

While acknowledging that these medications may not be suitable for everyone, Winfrey shares her personal regimen, which includes medication, daily hikes, running, and a healthy diet.

The television special features interviews with medical professionals and individuals who have benefited from weight-loss drugs, highlighting both positive experiences and critical opinions.

Winfrey’s decision to step down from her role on the WeightWatchers board of directors, coupled with her donation of shares to the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture, further underscores her commitment to managing her weight and advocating for others facing similar challenges.

In sharing her journey, Winfrey hopes to inspire compassion and understanding for those struggling with weight-related issues, while encouraging individuals to explore options that work best for them in achieving their health goals.


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