Padres back ‘relevant’ Jurickson Profar after clutch hit vs. Dodgers


San Diego Padres outfielder Jurickson Profar hit the winning hit in a game against the Los Angeles Dodgers on Sunday. His three-run double in the seventh inning helped the Padres win the series. This happened just a day after Dodgers catcher Will Smith called him “irrelevant.”

Profar’s teammate, Manny Machado, responded to Smith’s comment, saying that Profar is actually very important to the team and deserves respect. Machado pointed out that Profar has been playing baseball professionally for 10 years, which is a big accomplishment.

The incident started when Profar was almost hit by a pitch during Saturday’s game, causing tensions between the teams. Smith then made the “irrelevant” comment about Profar in a radio interview.

But Profar didn’t let it bother him. He went on to have a great game on Sunday, hitting the game-winning double. Even though he heard about Smith’s comment, Profar didn’t let it affect him.

Profar’s manager, Mike Shildt, also defended him, saying that Profar is an important part of the team and deserves respect.

Despite the incident, Profar chose not to respond to Smith’s comment directly. He simply said he’s focused on playing baseball.

Machado didn’t think much of Smith’s comment either. He believes that players like Profar, who have been in the league for a long time, deserve respect.

Overall, the incident added some tension to the Padres-Dodgers rivalry, but Profar and his teammates are focused on playing their best.


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