Rebel Wilson alleges that Sacha Baron Cohen is hindering her memoir’s publication and refers to him as an ‘a-hole.’


Actor and comedian Rebel Wilson has recently identified Sacha Baron Cohen as the Hollywood star she has been accusing of attempting to block the publication of her memoir, “Rebel Rising.”

Wilson took to social media last week, initially withholding the name of the individual she referred to as a “massive a-hole” in her posts. However, she has now publicly named Sacha Baron Cohen, known for his iconic characters such as Borat and Ali G.

In an Instagram story on Monday, Wilson declared that she refuses to be silenced by legal threats or PR strategies. She explicitly stated, “The ‘a–hole’ that I am talking about in ONE CHAPTER of my book is Sacha Baron Cohen.”

Previously, Wilson had hinted at the identity of the individual causing her distress without disclosing their name. She shared a cryptic video expressing her resolve to avoid working with such individuals in Hollywood, revealing her “no a-holes policy.”

She further clarified that Chapter 23 of her memoir details her experiences with this individual, emphasizing that he was indeed a “massive a-hole.”

Wilson’s allegations extend to claims that the individual has been attempting to suppress publicity surrounding her book. However, she remains steadfast in her commitment to releasing her memoir and sharing her truth with the world.

Wilson and Baron Cohen previously collaborated on the 2016 film “The Brothers Grimsby,” a project that Wilson openly criticized. She recounted uncomfortable experiences on set, including pressure to appear naked and unwelcome requests during filming.

Baron Cohen’s representative has refuted Wilson’s claims, asserting that they are “demonstrably false” and contradicted by extensive evidence from the production of “The Brothers Grimsby.”

Despite the controversy, Wilson’s memoir is set to be released on April 2, offering readers a glimpse into her experiences and encounters in Hollywood.


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