Sarah Sanders’ office potentially violated state law in $19K lectern controversy, audit finds


Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ office is facing controversy over a $19,000 lectern purchase. An audit found potential violations of state laws, but the governor’s team denies any wrongdoing.

The lectern, bought with a state credit card, sparked scrutiny after a blogger raised questions. Despite the high price, it wasn’t clear why it was so expensive.

The audit found that the governor’s office may have violated laws, like shredding documents and not following purchasing rules. They also added notes to invoices after being asked for documents.

While the lectern was said to have special features like built-in electronics, it actually only has a light.

The governor’s office and the vendors involved didn’t cooperate with the audit. The lectern was reimbursed by the Republican Party after questions were raised.

Critics argue that the purchase was illegal and unethical. Lawmakers are concerned about the cost and lack of transparency.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ office is in hot water over a pricey lectern purchase. An audit found potential rule-breaking, but the governor’s team insists they followed the law.

The lectern, costing $19,000 and bought with a state credit card, drew attention after a blogger questioned its high price.

The audit suggested that the governor’s office may have broken laws, like shredding documents and not following purchasing rules. They also made changes to invoices after being asked for documents.

Despite claims of special features, like built-in electronics, the lectern only has a light.

The governor’s office and the vendors involved didn’t cooperate with the audit. The Republican Party reimbursed the state after the purchase was questioned.

Critics argue that the purchase was illegal and shady. Lawmakers are worried about the cost and lack of transparency.


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