Searing heat shuts schools for 33 million children


Extreme heat in Bangladesh has forced 33 million children to leave their schools because it’s just too hot. Temperatures have soared past 42C (108F) in some areas, making it hard for kids to study. This is the second year in a row that schools have closed due to the extreme weather. Similar situations are happening in other Asian countries like the Philippines and India because of a big heatwave.

Bangladesh is really vulnerable to climate change. The rising sea levels could make millions of people lose their homes. People in Bangladesh are praying for rain because the heat is making life very hard, especially for poor people. The weather experts say the extreme heat will continue for at least another week. Hospitals are getting ready for more patients because of heat-related illnesses like fever and headache.

The situation is serious for kids and babies, who are more sensitive to heat than adults. Unicef says over 243 million kids in East Asia and the Pacific are at risk of getting sick or even dying from the heat. In Thailand, the heat index is so high that it’s really dangerous outside. In Myanmar, the temperature went above 45C. In the Philippines, thousands of schools had to stop classes because of the heat, and there are more fires because of electric fans overheating.

Asia has been facing a lot of extreme weather recently. The World Meteorological Organization says climate change is making these events happen more often and more severe. It’s affecting people’s lives, economies, and the environment. Leaders need to do something to stop the temperatures from getting even hotter and to protect people, especially kids, from the heat.


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