Spain’s PM Pedro Sánchez halts public duties as wife faces inquiry


Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has decided to take a break from his public duties to think about whether he should keep his job. This decision comes after a court started looking into allegations against his wife.

Sánchez said he needed time to decide if he should continue leading the government or step down. His wife, Begoña Gómez, is facing accusations, and Sánchez wants to think about what to do next.

The allegations against Gómez were made by a group called Manos Limpias (Clean Hands), which is known for being linked to the far right. They say they got their information from online news articles. Gómez says the allegations are not true.

Sánchez complained that he and his wife have been targeted for a long time by people who want to hurt them. He feels that the accusations are part of a plan to damage his reputation.

The court did not give details about the allegations against Gómez, but some news websites reported that they were related to her connections to private companies that got government money or contracts.

Sánchez’s decision to take a break comes at a difficult time for his party, with important elections coming up soon. He leads a government that includes parties from Catalonia, a region in Spain. Without their support, he wouldn’t be in power.

Opposition parties are upset about some decisions made by Sánchez’s government, like granting amnesty to some Catalan politicians involved in a referendum for independence. This decision has caused tensions and disagreements in Spain.

Overall, Sánchez’s decision to step back temporarily is seen as a way to handle the situation while he figures out what to do next.


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