To achieve Middle East peace, Palestinians must reject jihadist influence.


The October 7 Hamas attack presents a pivotal opportunity for Israel, the Palestinians, and the region. It’s a moment for Israel to secure its territory, strengthen its global legitimacy, and assert its right to exist. By aligning with the United States, Saudi Arabia, and other Arab nations, Israel can ensure its security. This requires integrating Israel and the Palestinians into the moderate Middle East axis to counter jihadist forces.

Israel faces a multifaceted challenge from Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Houthis in Yemen, and pro-Iranian militias in Syria and Iraq, all backed by Iran. Addressing this axis requires collective action; Israel cannot do it alone.

This extremist alliance not only threatens Israel but also jeopardizes peace and stability in Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern states, as well as Western interests. Israel’s security hinges on defeating Hamas with moderate axis support and establishing a regional security alliance.

A critical question post-war is whether Palestinians will align with the moderate axis or jihadist forces. Israel can influence this by ensuring Palestinian governance rejects Hamas’s destructive ideology, promoting deradicalization in education, demilitarization, and offering a future of independence, security, and prosperity. History shows military victories endure when accompanied by a vision.

Long-term security in Israel demands integrating US and Saudi interests into a regional security alliance. Together, these nations can counter Iran and its proxies effectively. Such an alliance not only enhances security and economic prospects but also decisively rejects Hamas’s goal of destroying Israel.

the war must end with a resounding defeat of the jihadist ideology that seeks Israel’s annihilation. Achieving this necessitates a robust regional security alliance uniting moderates across the Middle East and among Palestinians against extremists.


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