Tusk, Poland’s Former Prime Minister, Issues Stark Warning: War Looms Large and Europe Is Ill-Prepared


Poland’s Former Prime Minister Donald Tusk Issues Stark Warning on Europe’s Pre-War Era

In a stark and urgent message to European leaders, former Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has cautioned that Europe has entered a “pre-war era,” emphasizing the imminent threat posed by ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia. Tusk’s warning comes amidst escalating hostilities, with Russia intensifying its bombardment of Ukraine in recent weeks.

Highlighting the gravity of the situation, Tusk stressed that the conflict is no longer a distant concept but a harsh reality that began over two years ago. He pointed to Russia’s unprovoked attacks on civil targets in Ukraine and its deployment of hypersonic missiles as evidence of escalating aggression.

Tusk urged European leaders to bolster the continent’s defenses and strive for greater military self-sufficiency. Emphasizing the need for solidarity, he called for increased defense spending across European nations, with a target of 2% of GDP allocated to defense. Tusk underscored the importance of unity and preparedness, urging Europe to stand firm in safeguarding its security.

Addressing concerns about Russia’s intentions, Tusk dismissed the notion of an imminent Russian attack on NATO countries but cautioned against complacency. He warned that any use of Western military assets by Ukraine would be met with retaliation, underscoring the unpredictable nature of the conflict.

Despite the severity of his warnings, Tusk expressed optimism about the growing awareness and cooperation among European leaders. He praised initiatives such as the Weimar Triangle alliance between Poland, France, and Germany, as well as the security collaboration involving Sweden and Finland.

In closing, Tusk emphasized the urgent need for military aid to Ukraine and urged swift action in the face of the escalating crisis. He called on Europe to confront the reality of the situation and prepare for the challenges ahead, cautioning that the next two years could determine the outcome of the conflict.


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