U.S.C. Tries to Manage ‘Train Wreck’ of a Graduation


This year’s graduation at the University of Southern California (USC) is facing a lot of problems. Normally, USC’s graduation ceremonies are big and fancy, with lots of people attending. But this year, things are different.

First, some famous people who were supposed to speak at the ceremonies canceled. For example, Liza Colón-Zayas from the FX series “The Bear” and Jaren Lewison from the Netflix series “Never Have I Ever” decided not to come. Even some speakers from the engineering school disappeared suddenly.

To make things more complicated, there are protests happening on campus. Some students are upset about the situation in Israel and Gaza, and they want to express their opinions. Because of this, security at the graduation ceremonies is very tight. Only people with special tickets are allowed to enter, and their bags will be checked.

Instead of one big ceremony, there will be smaller celebrations at different schools within USC. But even these smaller events are facing problems. Some students and their families are unhappy with how things are being handled. They feel like USC’s leaders are making things worse instead of better.

One student, Ella Blain, said she feels disappointed because she was looking forward to her graduation from the School of Dramatic Arts. Her mother, Annette Ricchiazzi, who is also a USC alumna, thinks the university leaders are not doing a good job of handling the situation.

Other universities are also having problems with their graduation ceremonies. Some have been disrupted by protests, and some speakers have dropped out because of pressure from students. But USC’s problems seem to be bigger than most.

The situation has become so complicated that even famous people who were supposed to speak at USC’s graduation are feeling uncomfortable. Some have decided to go ahead with their speeches, while others have canceled.

Despite all the problems, USC is trying to make the best of the situation. They are planning a party with music and fireworks for the graduates. But for many students, the disappointment of not having a traditional graduation ceremony is hard to overcome.


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