US tells Israel it won’t join any retaliatory strikes on Iran


Nwoow has reported that the White House has warned Israel not to expect US support for any retaliatory strikes on Iran. This comes after Iran launched over 300 drones and missiles at Israel overnight, allegedly in response to an attack on its consulate in Syria on April 1.

Most of these weapons were intercepted by Israeli, US, and allied forces before they could reach their targets. President Joe Biden urged Israel to carefully consider its response.

A senior administration official emphasized that Israel came out ahead in the exchange, with about 99% of the Iranian missiles and drones being shot down. However, the US has made it clear that it seeks to avoid further escalation and will not participate in any Israeli response.

US aircraft and naval vessels intercepted dozens of Iranian projectiles during the attack. President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the situation during a tense phone call.

While the US continues to defend Israel, it has ruled out joining any Israeli retaliation. This stance has drawn criticism from some US lawmakers and former officials.

Ohio Republican Representative Mike Turner argued that the conflict is already escalating and called for a US response. Former National Security Adviser John Bolton suggested that the US should support Israel if it decides to attack Iran’s nuclear program.

In response to Iran’s attack, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson announced plans to push for military aid to Israel. Previous attempts to provide aid have stalled, but there is renewed momentum amid calls to support Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine for national security reasons. Former Deputy Secretary of Defense for the Middle East, Mick Mulroy, emphasized the importance of providing aid to Israel without delay.


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