Virginia Commonwealth University students walk out of graduation


At Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), a bunch of students decided to leave their graduation ceremony while Governor Glenn Youngkin was giving a speech. They were not happy with the choice of speaker because of some things he said about campus protests and a racial literacy requirement. Some students were chanting as they walked out, and later some of them marched outside. Some students even got arrested before because of protests on campus.

Even though some students left, the governor kept talking. He didn’t say anything about the protest afterward.

At the University of California Berkeley, the chancellor talked about the protests happening on campus before the graduation ceremony started. Some students there were chanting about ending the occupation while waving flags and signs.

These protests are part of a bigger movement happening at colleges all over the US. People are upset about what’s going on in Gaza, and they want their schools to stop supporting Israel financially.

At some schools, the protests have caused problems with graduation ceremonies. Some have even been cancelled because of safety concerns. Others have brought in extra rules to try to keep things calm.

Some speakers have backed out because of the protests too. One author decided not to speak at a graduation after police cleared out a protest camp at the school.

The University of Vermont and Xavier University of Louisiana cancelled speeches by a US ambassador because students didn’t want her to speak.

At some schools, police have had to get involved to remove protesters. At one university, the police chief got in trouble because of how he handled the protests.

Overall, these protests show how passionate students are about what’s happening in the world, even on their big day like graduation.


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