Who are the first 12 jurors of Trump’s historic criminal trial


With the jury now selected, Donald Trump’s trial is set to begin in earnest. Over the past three days, the court has carefully chosen 12 jurors and one alternate to weigh the evidence and reach a verdict. Each member of the jury brings their own background, interests, and perspectives to the table, reflecting the diversity of New York City and beyond. As they prepare to hear the case and deliberate its outcome, their varied experiences and viewpoints will play a crucial role in ensuring a fair and just trial.

After three days of Donald Trump’s trial, the jury has been selected. Let’s meet them:

Juror 1: A salesperson from Ireland who loves outdoor activities and gets news from various sources.

Juror 2: Originally an oncology nurse but replaced by a finance expert interested in Trump’s “Art of the Deal.”

Juror 3: A corporate attorney from Oregon who enjoys hiking and running but isn’t familiar with all the allegations against Trump.

Juror 4: Originally an IT consultant but replaced by a security engineer from California who enjoys metalworking and carpentry.

Juror 5: A middle school teacher from Harlem who doesn’t follow the news closely but appreciates Trump’s straightforwardness.

Juror 6: A software engineer from New York City who enjoys plays, dancing, and watching TV.

Juror 7: A lawyer from the Upper East Side who enjoys spending time outdoors with his kids and has mixed opinions about Trump.

Juror 8: A retired wealth manager from Lebanon who enjoys fly fishing and yoga and stays informed through various news outlets.

Juror 9: A speech therapist from the Upper East Side who doesn’t follow the news closely but believes she can be impartial.

Juror 10: A commerce worker who enjoys the outdoors and animals.

Juror 11: A product development manager who has been in New York for 15 years and doesn’t follow the news much but has some negative opinions about Trump.

Juror 12: A physical therapist from the Upper East Side who enjoys sports-related podcasts and outdoor activities.

An analyst from England who works in finance and enjoys running and spending time with friends.


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