A homeowner found themselves in legal trouble when attempting to remove a squatter from their late parents’ $1.5 million home.


A New York City property owner found herself in handcuffs after a heated confrontation with squatters occupying her family’s $1.5 million home in Flushing, Queens. Adele Andaloro, 47, inherited the property from her deceased parents and attempted to sell it, only to discover squatters had taken over and replaced the locks. Frustrated by the situation, she called a locksmith to change the locks, leading to a tense altercation captured on camera.

Under New York City law, squatters can claim “squatter’s rights” after just 30 days of occupying a property, making it illegal for homeowners to change locks or remove belongings. Despite presenting the deeds to the property, Andaloro was arrested for unlawful eviction when she changed the locks. Now, she must navigate a landlord-tenant dispute in housing court to resolve the situation.

This incident is the latest in a series of squatter-related problems in the city, including another case in Queens where a squatter disrupted a family’s plan to move into a $3 million home. Additionally, a separate incident involved a squatter hoarding animals in a Rockaways home, highlighting the ongoing challenges posed by squatters in New York City.

The ongoing saga of squatters in New York City has brought to light the complexities and frustrations faced by property owners dealing with unauthorized occupants. In Andaloro’s case, the emotional toll of seeing her family’s home occupied by strangers and the legal hurdles she now faces underscore the need for clearer regulations and swift resolution of such disputes.

Meanwhile, the broader issue of squatters’ rights and property occupation remains a contentious topic in the city, with concerns over the vulnerability of homeowners and the rights of those seeking shelter. As cases like Andaloro’s continue to garner attention, it’s clear that addressing the root causes and legal frameworks surrounding squatter occupancy is essential to ensuring fairness and justice for all parties involved.


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