Europe risks dying and faces big decisions – Macron


French President Emmanuel Macron delivered a serious speech in Paris about the future of Europe. He warned that Europe must wake up and make important decisions quickly or face serious consequences.

Macron’s speech was given at Sorbonne university and was meant to build on a similar speech he gave in 2017. He wants Europe to be more self-sufficient in areas like defense and the economy.

He believes Europe is facing big challenges, like Russia’s hostility, the US losing interest, and China’s competition. Macron thinks Europe needs to protect itself better and not rely on other countries so much.

Macron said Europe needs to strengthen its own defense forces and economy. He wants European countries to work together more closely, like sharing common goals and creating a European military academy.

He also thinks Europe needs to stand up for itself in international trade, especially since other big countries like China and the US aren’t playing fair.

Macron even mentioned the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine and said Europe needs to be more ambiguous about its military plans.

He warned that Europe could become its own worst enemy if it loses confidence in itself. He urged Europeans to remember their values and not to be too influenced by negative things like online disinformation and violence.

Overall, Macron’s speech was more serious than before, reflecting the growing challenges Europe faces. While it might boost his political party’s chances in the upcoming elections, it also shows how much they rely on him for leadership.


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