Floods in Russia and Kazakhstan have caused high water levels that are flooding houses in Orenburg.


In Orenburg, Russia, floods have caused water levels to rise to two meters above critical levels, leaving only the roofs of some houses visible. The mayor of the city has advised many residents to leave their homes as sirens sounded to warn of the danger.

The floods are expected to peak on Friday in Orenburg, but neighboring regions are also at risk in the coming days and weeks. In Kazakhstan, about 100,000 people have been evacuated from their homes due to the flooding, which is said to be the worst in the region in 80 years.

Rising temperatures have caused snow and ice to melt quickly, combined with heavy rains, leading to rivers bursting their banks. The Ural River, Europe’s third-largest, reached a height of 11.43 meters in Orenburg on Friday, leading to the evacuation of over 10,000 people and flooding of 11,700 homes.

The mayor of Orenburg has urged further evacuations in some districts, emphasizing the critical situation. Water levels have decreased in Orsk, but other areas downstream remain at risk.

The Ishim and Tobol rivers are also experiencing dangerous levels, with predictions that they will peak around April 23-24. Floodwaters pose a threat to northern Kazakhstan, where many dams and reservoirs are already full.

In Petropavl, a local reservoir is close to overflowing, potentially flooding a major road between two Russian cities. The village of Kaminskoye in Russia has been evacuated due to rising river levels, and efforts are underway to reinforce a dam near Kurgan, a city downstream.

States of emergency have been declared in Kurgan region and neighbouring Tyumen in western Siberia. While flooding is common during the transition from winter to spring in this region, the current situation is unprecedented in living memory.


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