President Biden prohibit the sale of electric vehicles (EVs) made in China.


President Joe Biden is under pressure to stop electric cars made in China from being sold in the US. Senator Sherrod Brown, who chairs the Senate Banking Committee, says these cars could harm the American auto industry. He’s not alone – other lawmakers want to impose high taxes to prevent Chinese electric cars from entering the US.

In February, the White House started investigating if Chinese cars could pose a threat to national security. Senator Brown says China shouldn’t be allowed to hurt the US auto industry with unfair tactics.

China makes the most cars in the world and wants to export them globally. But the US worries that Chinese cars could collect sensitive data and pose security risks.

On a recent visit to China, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that the US won’t let China harm its economy like it did in the early 2000s. China’s vice finance minister responded by expressing concern about US trade restrictions.

Meanwhile, major US airlines want the Biden administration to stop approving new flights to China because they believe China’s policies give its airlines an unfair advantage.

Since 2018, the US and China have been in a trade war, with both imposing tariffs on each other’s goods. President Biden has kept most of these tariffs in place. Last year, the US bought fewer goods from China, while its exports to China also dropped.

It’s a complicated situation, but it boils down to concerns about unfair competition and protecting American jobs and businesses.


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